Annual CLST Open House with Common Seminar Inaugural Lecture on Cultural Production and Uneven Development by Susan Andrade--with Reception and Spring 2018 Crosslisted Course Rollout--in the Humanities Center (602-CL), 5:00PM-7:30PM

October 18, 2017 - 5:00pm to 7:30pm

Students and faculty are invited to CLST's Annual Open House, featuring this year's Common Seminar Instructor, Susan Z. Andrade (Associate Professor of English) giving an inaugural lecture on her seminar topic of Cultural Production and Uneven Development.  After a reception in the Humanities Center foyer at 5 PM, CLST Director Ron Zboray will rollout the Spring 2018 Crosslisted Courses, before Professor Andrade speaks. After her talk, Mohammed Bamyeh, Professor of Sociology will provide commentary after which there will be a question-and-answer session with the audience.

For more information, contact CLST Program Administrator Heidi Castaneda (