MODERNITY & ITS DISCONTENTS: Annual CLST Open House and Inaugural Lecture, 5:30-7:30 PM in 501-CL

October 20, 2016 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Mohammed Bamyeh, Pitt Professor of Sociology will present his Inaugural Lecture on the theme of the Common Seminar he will teach in Spring 2017: "Modernity and Its Discontents."  The entire CLST community and anyone interested in the topic from across Pitt's schools are invited to attend.  CLST Director Ronald J. Zboray will introduce Professor Bamyeh and will also roll out the crosslisted courses for Spring 2017. After Professor Bamyeh's lecture the audience will respond.  This is an excellent opportunity for certificate students contemplating taking the course to learn about it and ask questions about it.

Professor Bamyeh describes his course (CLST 2050 which will meet Wednesdays 6:00-8:30 in 402-CL): "Modernity is a global theme. The seminar explores how what we call ‘modernity’ is understood from a variety of perspectives and world regions. Our exploration includes comparative analysis  of associated concepts, such as ‘progress,’ ‘emancipation,’ ‘development,’ and so on. By extension, the seminar explores the various meanings of modernity’s presumed opposite, namely the idea of ‘tradition’ (and the nature of ‘conservatism’ generally)—again, from multidisciplinary and global perspectives.  Students should expect exposure to a variety of theoretical materials, case studies,  comparative regional histories, cultural analyses, and political philosophies, while cultivating their own research interests."

Professor Bamyeh is author of Anarchy as Order: The History and Future of Civic Humanity  (2010), Of Death and Dominion: The Existential Foundations of Governance  (2007), The Ends of Globalization (2000), and The Social Origins of Islam: Mind, Economy, Discourse (1999).

Food and beverages will be served in the 501-CL foyer prior to the event, beginning at 5.