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How to Crosslist a Graduate Course

Professors: find out how to crosslist your graduate course with Cultural Studies below.

Faculty who are interested in crosslisting their course with Cultural Studies can anticipate a call for crosslists email several months before the start of each term. Spring 2024 requests were received in early-October, and we anticipate requests for Fall 2024 to be sent in February 2025. Those interested should follow the steps below during each recruitment period.
Complete a crosslisting request form via this link (; a copy of the completed request will be sent to you and and your departmental administrator.  Not all information needs to be completed, but at minimum provide the COURSE NUMBER, TITLE, AND DESCRIPTION [description should be written with a Cultural Studies audience in mind].  Use upper and lowercase, not all caps; 

PLEASE NOTE: We request that faculty recommend a category for their course. A, B, C, D. Please find category descriptions here. Note that faculty may recommend only ONE category.

We ask faculty to submit courses consonant with the profile of the program. This typically includes the exploration of issues such as:

  • the relationship between culture and politics;
  • study of culture across national boundaries and disciplines;
  • the formation of disciplines and intellectual institutions;
  • the production of texts;
  • cultural antagonisms and crises 

It is critical for the program's coherence and graduate-student interest that we avoid listing courses that do not address these issues.  However, we even consider traditional survey courses, courses on the life and work of a great artist, introductory literature courses, core course, etc., if there is sufficient "cultural studies" content in them to justify a crosslist.
By cross-listing a graduate-level course with the program, you are considered by the program to be a member of the Cultural Studies faculty for three years.  Cultural Studies faculty:

  • receive notification of Cultural Studies sponsored and co-sponsored events through its email mailing list;
  • are invited to attend and to organize guest seminars
  • serve as faculty participants in the annual Graduate-Student Colloquium and other even
  • may be asked to stand for election to the Fellowship Committee, which annually selects two Cultural Studies PhD students for advanced research fellowship support.
  • may be asked or elected to serve for one year on the Executive Committee of the Program
  • may be asked to represent their department as Cultural Studies Liaison